Athavan Radio to Colombo from today


“Athavan Radio”, the Tamil radio channel of Atavan Media Network affiliated to Swarnavahini channel, starts its broadcast from Colombo today. Athavan FM was launched on 95.3 MHz frequency four years after the purchase of MAX Radio of MGMR Network owned by the Ramanayake family. Earlier Athavan TV channel also started regular broadcasting in Sri Lanka.

In addition to 95.3 MHz Colombo, the following frequencies have been allocated for island-wide coverage
🗼95.3 MHz-Hanthana
🗼95.3 MHz-Gongala
🗼95.3 MHz-Village
🗼95.3 MHz-Madolsima
🗼95.3 MHz-Cocaville
🗼95.3 MHz-Nuwara Eliya

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