New York twin tower:

The touching September 11 Memorial is made up of 2 quadrangular tubs, located in the exact position where the Twin Towers were. Inside them, water flows continuously towards a square central hole. All around, on the marble balusters, the names of the victims, both from September 11th, and from the first attack, which took place in 1993, through a car bomb placed in the underground car park, which caused 6 deaths. Flowers are placed near the names, on the occasion of birthdays. Trees have been planted all around, to isolate the area from traffic and city bustle. The general silence, isolation, and the constant rushing of water help create an evocative and moving atmosphere. The work, deliberately minimal, is called “The Reflecting Absence”, made by the architect Michael Arad, it was chosen from more than 5000 presented projects
The touching 9/11 Memorial is made up of 2 quadrangular basins, located in the exact position where the Twin Towers were. Inside them, the water flows continuously, towards a central square hole. All around, on the marble balustrades, the names of the victims are engraved, both of 11 September and of the first attack, which took place in 1993, through a car bomb placed in the underground parking, and which caused 6 deaths. Near the names, on the occasion of birthdays, flowers are placed. All around, trees have been planted to isolate the area from the hustle and bustle of the city. The general silence, the isolation, and the continuous roar of the water, help to create an evocative and moving atmosphere. The deliberately minimal work is titled “The Reflecting Absence”; built by architect Michael Arad, it was chosen from more than 5000 projects presented